Thursday, April 5, 2012

My mind is Blown!

BDSM folks. The topic of the day in my religion and sexuality class. Let me tell you, it's a crazy world out there.
I think it's awesome that there are places for folks to go that are into the S&M scene, where they can have there fantasies/desires played out in a safe (as safe as this can be anyway) manor.
 I had always imagined this dirty, cheap hotel where people often died because the "top" (pain giver) went to far. I do admit however, I am very naive in this area (less so after today) having not been very crazy adventurous in my life...yet anyway ;)  Sure, there are probably those problems around but not as prevalent as one would think.
They actually have places that host these get-togethers or clubs if you will.  They have very strict rules and have everyone register a safe word. The top and bottom have a detailed conversation about what the bottom is allowing, and the top must stop if the safe word is spoken. If these rules are broken they are black listed and shunned among the community. There are bouncers that enforce these rules and watch for ignored safe words.
After watching the video and seeing into there feelings of why they do this, I have to say, in the right situation (as mentioned above) I think (just my opinion) them getting there high and euphoria feeling from this natural endorphin release is safer and less harmful than doing drugs or alcohol. However, mix sex with a ton of random people into the party and that theory fly's out the window. That is very unsafe, risky business. This is not always the case though, some just want the pain given high.
Don't get me wrong, I could never participate in this kind of thing (top or bottom) It has simply opened my eyes to be less judgmental and more understanding of those who feel differently than I do.


  1. I couldn't do it. Every time you said the word top I thought of the toy that you spin until it falls and that makes me giggle. I don't think giggling is allowed in S&M. Were you totally traumatized by the video? Was it graphic? My opinion is each to their own as long as it's consentual and I don't have to watch a video of it.

    1. I think people in that "field" are ok with pretty much anything, including giggling(if that's ur thing) lol. It was not graphic, basically showed interviews of the people into it and the place they go with some of there toys. They demonstrated how some people get tied up into the contraptions but they were dressed and such.
      Yea..replace top in that fashion and it makes for a very silly post lol.
