Saturday, March 31, 2012

Once upon a dream

Had the craziest dream the other night. I was in a hospital getting some kind of treatment for a mental problem (not exactly sure what for) well a guy walks in to give me a shot, and I back up asking what its for. He tells me its a muscle relaxer and I try to tell him that I don't need/want it. I back up until I am in a corner and he gives me the shot forcefully. I remember feeling very alone, and not sure why I was there.
      I go to my abnormal psychology class the next day (odd class, which is probably why I'm having crazy dreams) and the instructor proceeds to tell us that she interprets dreams along with her therapist/teacher profession...and that gets me thinking. What on earth did my dream mean? Good ol' google came up with this for being injected with a needle
     Clearly, a syringe could be a phallic symbol so your dream may be saying that you need to inject more enthusiasm into your sex life. Similarly it may be telling you to inject more fun, determination or enthusiasm into your life. Injections imply healing and protection so this dream may be showing you ways to become more psychologically fit. If you are injecting drugs it can show that you are addicted to a behavior pattern that may need to be modified.
   Going to start the next paragraph by saying..I do not have a problem with injecting or any other form of drugs. Barring that, I would say I am enthusiastic and happy in my sex life. I think my life could use more fun. I do a lot of the typical go to school, come home, take care of kids, clean, chill out for awhile (nothing to exciting) sleep, rinse and repeat. I do have date nights with the hubby, those are awesome. So again, how much fun is "allowed" in ones life, and who determines this? I understand people have to work and be responsible.
  Maybe it's the determination, I am pretty lax about figuring out what I want to go to school for. I am getting good grades and getting the basic classes done. I am narrowing it down slowly though.
   The only true conclusion I can make of this, is my mind is warped and likes playing games on me. Yes...that must be it

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